




"For the better life!"


Under the project "School Radio of Friendship" school equipment acquired for school

dostukradiosuALT318.02.2015   12:20

On 12-13 February, 2015 secondary schools №16 named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino in the village of Shark and №117 named after Kamil Matkerimov in Kyzyl-Kyshtak of Kara-Suu district, and secondary school №7 named after Usman of Chyngyz Atymatova town district in the town of Jalal-Abad of Jalal-Abad region, as well as school № 30 named after Olmoskan Atabekova were supplied with radio equipments purchased by LLC "Information Systems & Solutions" and private entrepreneur E. D. Ruzieva on the basis of the tender.

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The project "School Radio friendship"

dostukradiosu017.02.2015   22.35

Women’s public union "Erayim" started to implement the project "School Radio of friendship" with the support of the State Agency for Local Self-Governance and Inter-Ethnic Relations of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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"Maternal schools" in the countryside

17.02.2015   19:15

In Don Maale village of Akman village area in Bazar-Korgon district, renovated building of the old school and there was opened the Maternal school named "Rayana".

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The annual results of work performed

30.01.2015  15:20

And so, passing minutes to an hour, an hour to a day, and days to a month, and quietly flying, year came to an end. Earlier this year, women's associations "Erayim" started realizing the project "Strengthening South Kyrgyzstan people friendship through the traditional and modern methods" with the support of the German international organization "Bread for the World." What work was carried out during the year and what are the plans for the New Year, discussing the agenda of these questions, this organization has made an annual result of work performed. At the meeting other than the annual total work performed, it was regarded the activities of SHGs.

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It was organized the trainings for the regional Self-help groups on construction of greenhouses

greenhouses 1

22.12.2014  18:10

On December 15-17 of this year in Bishkek city it was held the training on theme “Growing vegetables in greenhouses” organized by WPO “Erayim” for the Self-help groups of it..

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Outdoor sports ground at the secondary school number 16 named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina

05.11.2014 13:15

On October 31, 2014 in the village of Padawan of Shark aiyl district at the secondary school number 16 named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina, it was opened a new playground. The construction of the outdoor playground was financed under the project "Youth for Peace" supported by the UNDP.

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Golden Autumn Festival in Ishkavan

05.11.2014, 12:35

On October 29, 2014 in the village Ishkavan of Kyzyl Kyshtak aiyl district, at school №117 named after K. Matkerimov it was organized an a Fair named "Golden Autumn".

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Steps forward

DSCF7507-15422.10.2014 12:25

Jalal-Abad: Social worker of Self-help group of the town district named after Ch. Aitmatov of Jalal-Abad city and Bazar-Korgon village of Bazar-Korgon district formed under the project “Strengthening South Kyrgyzstan people friendship through the traditional and modern methods” Zulaika Zholdoshova together with the heads of the circles made a new monthly plan with the beginning of a new academic school year.

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It is made half-year results of the project

07.10.2014  19.30

On “Erayim” women public organization initiative there was held a meeting where it was summarized results of half-year activities of the organization on the project “Strengthening South Kyrgyzstan people friendship through the traditional and modern methods”.

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It is opened a new branch of “Erayim”

""Эрайымдын" филиалы ачылды07.10.2014  19.05

“Erayim” women public organization opened its branch in Bazar-Korgon village of Bazar-Korgon district. According to its head Rakhila Zhusupova the main goal of the opening a new branch is to enhance its activities.

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