




"For the better life!"


«Friends, let’s read and love books!»

bookreaders316.05.2016   15:27

«The Book is the source of knowledge». A person who likes reading improves his mind and gains knowledge. There is a proverb “Knowledge is power”. Recently, school children have been carried away by the use of computers and look for information about everything on the internet.

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Forum theatre “A tattered life”

forumtheatre213.05.2016  19:27

Forum theatre was held under the guidance of psychologist-trainers of women public union “Erayim” Zhyldyz Kaldarbekova and Dilfuza Nazaralieva in boarding school of Zhoomart Bokonbaev in Bazar-Korgon region. School children performed to the scenario “A tattered life”.

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The caravan of Manas narrators

manaschylarkerbeni215.05.2016   18:12

Events are being conducted on narrating the “Manas” dedicated to the year of "History and Culture" throughout the country. “Manas” epos is an inexhaustible source of culture and history of the people of Kyrgyzstan.

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Another new “Maternal school”

anmat.school301.04.2016   15:45

There are 10 people in “Dostuk” SHG. This SHG brought together the most initiative and the most active villagers of Mady, Kara-Suu district, Osh province.

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“Super daughter-in-law” has been chosen

superkelinchek413.05.2016    17:55

Contest-festival was held under the motto “Peace at home - peace in the world” for villagers of Shark, Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak of Kara-Suu district of Osh province, in Abu Ali Ibn Sin high school №16 in Shark village.

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Landscaping the native land

Members of Self-help groups from different etnicity08.04.2016   11:12

The advent of spring in all corners of the Republic means that landscaping work has begun. Members of self-help groups in the villages of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak in the Kara-Suu district, Osh province, along with their children, took part in the landscaping project.

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“Maternal school” is opened

maternalschool327.03.2016   14.15

Maternal school is opened through the efforts of self-help group "Iyman nuru", which was created from the residents of Sadikov Street of Shark village, Osh province within the project “The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan" of WPU “Erayim”.

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Talented boy Ollaer

Ollaer Sodikov26.03.2016   19:10

Ollaer Sodikov is 13 years old. He attends high school No7 in Jalal-Abad. His primary goal is the same as that of his friends – to gain knowledge. A Komuz club has opened at his school within the framework of Women’s Public Union “Erayim”. The project is called “The introduction of traditional and modern approaches to the prevention of conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan.”

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Children are celebrating Nooruz

ӨЖТлар ноорузу25.03.2016   13:25

The Nooruz holiday has been celebrated in high school No.7 of Jalal-Abad city by members of the children's self-help groups and clubs organized by the women's public union Erayim.

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The rural English teacher

Ayperi Salibaeva with students30.04.2016   17:13

Ayperi Sarybaeva is a rural girl who graduated from a rural middle school of Akman village of Bazar-Korgon region. Her interest in foreign languages started when she was studying at school. After graduating from the school she enrolled in the faculty of foreign languages at Jalal-Abad State University.

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