




"For the better life!"


Model Maternal school

419.09.2016   12:54

The kindergarten "El Nuray" of Kara-Suu region was opened on the initiative of "Maksat" self-help group. The special feature of this kindergarten is that it works according to the maternal school principle.

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The number of maternal schools are growing

114.09.2016    09:57

In honor of the celebration of Independence Day, the members of self-help groups of Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak and Mady rural districts of Kara-Suu region organized by WPU “Erayim” prepared an unforgettable gift.

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Partnership of WPU “Erayim” with the program ASA of InWEnt GGmbH society continues

ASA27.07.2016   19:55

WPU “Erayim” has been cooperating with the German international program ASA of InWEnt gGmbH society for more than 10 years.

ASA is a training program on development policy with its headquarters in Germany. The program aims to support activity of young Europeans, who are fighting for a fair and sustainable development, who take into account human rights and the cultural differences.

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Summer School of English language 2016 for teachers and children

Andrew27.07.2016    19:38

Once again volunteers from the United Kingdom have arrived at WPU "Erayim" under the program "Summer school of English language for teachers and children". It should be reminded that the project was initiated by the volunteer of WPU "Erayim" Ms. Claire Reeves and has been implemented since 2013. The project is funded by the Charitable Foundation CAF (Charities Aid Foundation). It should be noted that the work with foreign volunteers at WPU "Erayim" has been going on for over 10 years.

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Camping in Achy jailoo

ачы19.07.2016   14:14

25 children activists of "Kyrgyzstan", "Jyldyz" "Dostuk", "Rainbow", "Shamdagay"children's self-helping groups, organized by WPU “Erayim” in Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak villages of Kara-Suu district of Osh province, visited Achy jailoo in Nariman rural district. They called this event as "Members of CSHGs are on summer vacation 2016".

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Merry holidays in Top-Terek jailoo

топ терек 419.07.2016   14:07

During the summer everyone wants to relax in places where it is beautifu and the weather is cool with a fresh air. This is particularly necessary and useful for children. Activists of WPU “Erayim” in Osh province, taking into account this fact, took the responsibility to organize the summer holidays for children of CSHGs.

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"Maternal school" in Mady village

мадыэне мектеби19.07.2016  14:02

By the initiative of "Yrysky"and "Jakshylyk" SHGs a new maternal school "Nariste" has opened for 20 persons in Dormaster village of Mady rural district of Kara-Suu region in Osh province.

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New Maternal school in Kashkar-Kyshtak

кашка суу эне мектеби 219.07.2016   12:36

There are almost no kindergartens in rural areas. Even if it exists, it is not enough for everyone. Therefore, children play on the street in hot and cold weather and remain unattended. Parents who go abroad to work leave their children with their relatives. Taking into account this situation Women Public Union “Erayim” is continually opening maternal schools in villages.

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Proactive effort - the key to a happy life

Сэмаыль19.07.2016   12:18

More than 20 countries around the world support and started to apply the program "Saemaul Undong" (Movement for a new village) which has made a huge contribution to the development of agriculture in South Korea and helped the country to overcome the crisis. The given program teaches villagers "not to eat fish, but gives a fishing rod to catch a fish." People must understand that they should not wait for help from the government, but they should work for the good of the country and its villages on their own.


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Two day training was conducted in Bishkek

Trainingprocess18.06.2016   10:10

Expert of the Monitoring and Assessment Department for the Middle East, South Caucasus and Central Asia of the German international organization "Bread for the World» (Brot fur die Welt) Nives Konik has visited the head office of the Women Public Union “Erayim”.

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