30.01.2015  15:20

And so, passing minutes to an hour, an hour to a day, and days to a month, and quietly flying, year came to an end. Earlier this year, women's associations "Erayim" started realizing the project "Strengthening South Kyrgyzstan people friendship through the traditional and modern methods" with the support of the German international organization "Bread for the World." What work was carried out during the year and what are the plans for the New Year, discussing the agenda of these questions, this organization has made an annual result of work performed. At the meeting other than the annual total work performed, it was regarded the activities of SHGs.

An officer of WPU “Erayim” Abdylas Koshumbaev opened the meeting and he presented the agenda of the meeting. The head of the organization Rakhila Zhusupova took a speech first at a meeting. The activities done by Women's public union "Erayim" for 2014 were introduced in details by means of slide show. For example, WPU "Erayim" could improve cooperation with local authorities (village councils). "Erayim" worked closely with local government of Chui, Issyk-Kul regions, At-Bashy, Kochkor, Bazar-Kurgan, Kara-Suu districts in the formation of Self-help groups, free summer English language courses, different circles for children, conducting National holidays together with the local governments through the special agreements on corporation and oral negotiations. In order to reach the solution of the local socio-economic issues by combining the strengths of interested bodies (local authorities, SHGs, SG (sponsored group), businessmen and so on.) GSP, local authorities, local residents, and educational institutions organized the "School of mothers." In the village of Sary-Oi, local government, ADK, Birimdik joined their efforts to ensure that the pension "Rainbow" built FAP. In aiyl districts Kara Oy, Akman, Chon Sary Oy, At-Bashy, S. Ibraimov, Bakay-Ata, living array Ak-Orgo children of SHGs members were taught English in summer courses. "Summer School on improving English language teaching" and "Summer School on improving children’s English language» was organized jointly with volunteers lived in the array Ak-Orgo, in the areas of At-Bashy, Chui, Talas, Issyk-Kul. For those children and mothers who were in need of psychological help in the southern Kyrgyzstan by organizations "Erayim" were provided assistance through the center of the "Restore after the psychological stress". To address this issue, "Erayim" was able to attract international organizations from Germany, "Bread for the World" with the project "Strengthening South Kyrgyzstan people friendship through the traditional and modern methods." The project is currently being successfully implemented. The internal evaluation of the educational center "Buchur" of organization "Erayim" led to the creation of a new plan to achieve their goals. Educational Center "Dostuk" in Jalal-Abad was re-registered as non-profit organization in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. Under German International ASA-Program "Erayim" invited an international volunteer Olga Pushkareva. She was involved to the project implementation at secondary school № 17 of the city of Jalal-Abad. It was noted that the achievement of the goal, of course, required a lot of work from whole stuff starting from management to each member of this organization. At the same meeting it was discussed the expected results in the New Year. For example, educational centers "Buchur" in the Ak-Orgo settlement of Bishkek and "Dostuk" in the micro district "Zhenish" of the city of Jalal-Abad will continue their work independently without Erayim’s assistance. It was also analyzed the work of NGOs leading its activities in the mobilization and activation of local communities.

5 NGOs in the republic was joined as partners in an informal network "Zhiger". Network members have implemented a project on partnership to mobilize the Self-helping groups on remote mountain areas. In addressing this issue it is actively working. Until 2016 it is planned to achieve the desired goal. It was noted that it requires enthusiasm and responsibility of every activist.

How was the work of SHG?

If the group itself were created by means of one of those people who are not of his own fate and that of his village enthusiasts and good organizers, make sure you can achieve the desired objectives. Among our SHGs organized in Chui region the first place is taken by SHG "Kut". His fund has 420,000 soms, and from the fund it is allocated amount to 30,000 with 3% to people in need of money. And each member of the group was given from the fund of the group 1 ton coal for the winter time. SHG "Kelechek" has at its fund 210 000 soms for consumers is given at credit 20000 soms on 3% for 10 months. SHG "Altyn Kazyna", "Nooruz", "Gul Azyk", "Bereke" organized a competition-festival "Yr Kese" in the village Koshoy. SHGs entered into the project "Uren" hand out to its members per 2 sacks of flour and 8 liters of vegetable oil. In aiyl districts named after Ibraimov 70 women entered the project "Food for work".

Moreover, SHG "Kayirkul" in Taldy-Bulak aiyl district had produced 14 tons of flour and 1120-liter vegetable oil. SHG "Gulazyk", "Bereke", "Altyn-Kazyna", "Nooruz" in the village Koshoy work with enthusiasm and opened a kindergarten and set it to work. Each SHG has invested into it. And in the preparation of organic products for the winter, each member of the SHG has been actively involved. Extra products were sold to people. In this direction, SHG “Meerim” took second place among other SHG in the area. In this SHG women work on needlework. J. Abdykerimova and G. Umetalieva in Bishkek participated in trainings and received certificates. And also have been conducted training on writing projects.

G. Umetalieva, Chui region

Ways to decent life

Bekmoldo village of Talas area is located just 3 kilometers from the gold deposit, in other words, to Jeruy one can pass through our village. By active efforts of some men and women, the village it were organized 12 SHGs. As a result of their hard work it was purchased new equipment for the cafe "Talas" and it was beautifully decorated. They exploit the bird farm, bread bakery and a bathhouse. They solved the issue of preserving the kindergarten of former Soviet Union time, upgrading its roof. Everyone knows that the gold deposit Jeruy rise up various questions as to operate or not to operate it, the possible environmental problems and at the same time the beneficial sides of the field development. And we challenged the issue of participation of our SHG in the discussion and resolution of these issues and have achieved that in the special commission came one participant from the SHG.

Anipa Kulchabaeva, Talas

District Efforts made in At-Bashy

Our area is mountainous and is included into a list of regions of complex nature. Our people have been engaged in animal husbandry, but recently, they are growing different kinds of vegetables, the peasantry is also developing. Our area is a far edge of the country to attract investment from outside, and few projects are being implemented. But we rejoice that women's organization "Erayim" pays attention to our area and gives us the opportunity to work with projects. Especially in 2014, we had much pleased that arrived specialists from distant places to educate our children English. They attracted 270 students to the courses of English language. Formed in the area of all 21 SHGs are carrying expedient work. SHG “Asylzat" one member went to St. Petersburg and took a 10-day training. SHG "Saltanat" member had the opportunity to go Arabia to work as an English teacher for 2 year with a contract. SHG "At Bashy kayryktary" women mainly engaged in needlework. Their national products have gained the right to participate in the World nomadic Games held in Issyk-Kul. Guests from foreign countries with great interest bought their handicrafts. Members of this group talented as well, they sing and dance national songs and dances.

Fatima Shadybekova, At Bashy district