




"For the better life!"


Nursery schools identified as priority in Kyrgystan

Тренер Майкулакова Дилнора тренинг учурунда04.02.2016  11:15

“The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan” is a project which is run by the “Erayim” women’s public union in the Shark, Mady, Kyzyl Kyshtak villages of the Kara-Suu region, Osh province and supported by the German “Bread for the World” international organization. Supported by the project, groups of local residents have raised the setting up of new Nursery School as an important issue in their area.

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Credit received

Кредит алууга жетишкен Ыйман нуру топ мүчөлөрү16.03.2016   19:35

SHG “Iyman Nuru”, consisting of 8 members, was created in May 2014 by women living on A. Sydykov Street in Padavan village, in the Shark village district of the Kara Suu region of the Osh province. Their main goal is to create a culture where residents take positive action to resolve rural issues and where the local government of the village is proactive in solving village problems.

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The Best Self Help Group has been chosen

Саламдашуу ӨЖТ Жакшылык Мады айыл аймагы16.03.2016 18:55

A contest for the Best Self-Help Group was held with groups from Mady, Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak village districts of Kara-Suu region of Osh province. The members of each group, together with other interested parties, participated.

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“The Best Children’s Self-Help Group of 2015” has been chosen

Кызыл Байрак Эң мыкты БӨЖТ16.03.2016 19:03

A competition for “The Best Children’s Self-Help Group” was held between CSHGs from the village districts of Mady, Shark, and Kyzyl-Kyshtak, in the Kara-Suu region of Osh province in December 2015.

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It is possible to develop the economy through self-help groups

11.12.2015   15:15

Rahila Zhusupova, chairwoman of the women's NGO "Erayim": "It is possible to develop the economy through self-help groups"

The glory of the women's NGO "Erayim" this time is well known throughout Kyrgyzstan. Because the organization have been made a significant contribution to the internal development of the country by cooperation with many international organizations to address a range of social issues, have been demonstrating a good example of the involvement of foreign investment. This organization was founded by the “ashar” method (“ashar” - assistance (service) each other on a voluntary basis) is now involving millions of investment, carrying its own contribution to the development of country's economy and improving the social life of the people. On this subject, we conducted a conversation with the head of the organization Rakhila Zhusupova.

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Children need this project

nov.118.11.2015  13:25

Women's NGO "Erayim" in the framework of the project "The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan" funded by the German organization "Brot für die Welt” (Bread for the World) has a number of targeted activities in high schools of Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts from the beginning of 2014. The evaluation team headed by Mrs. Marie-Carin von Gumppenberg visited schools included in the project in order to determine how the project is being implemented, whether the project reaches the goal, what results obtained target groups, meetings were held in schools and with the beneficiaries.

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Golden Ball – Cup of Friendship

goldenball702.10.2015   18:13

On 29th of September 2015 at the stadium of secondary school #16 named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina in the village district of Shark was conducted football competition called "Golden ball - cup of friendship" among the children's self-help groups "Yyman Nuru", "Lachin", "Aruuzat", "Kelechek Jashtary", "Danaker", "Jyldyz", "Dostyk", "Jakshylyk", "Rainbow", "Tumar", "Yntymak" and "Ak Niet" organized in the villages of Kok-Tash, Mady and Ishkavan in the village districts Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Shark and Mady.

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Steps of Self-Help Group Union "Birimdik"

unionsteps22.09.2015   17:30

Among several other projects, "Erayim" is actively implementing the project on organization and operation of self-help groups in rural areas since 2005. The rural groups working under the approach of: "We will not be passive, we have to be proactive and the state will support us". Within this approach, the groups are implementing plans and working actively to improve the quality of life in the villages. One of the initiative groups is working in the Issyk-Kul region.

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Self-help groups have got power opportunities in the development of rural areas

trainingornok3  2.09.2015   16:32

Among the dozens of projects, implemented by the women's NGO "Erayim", there are projects on formation of self-help groups in rural villages. The project contains the activity and strengthening of local inhabitants in solving social problems of the village by themselves.

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Summer school for English teachers of At-Bashi

VolunteersinAB42.09.2015   10:07

From the 3rd of August until the 14th of August 2015, Erayim organized a ten-day course for English teachers in different oblasts. The English courses are held annually by experienced volunteers from the UK, who are experienced in teaching.

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