




"For the better life!"


Best of the best are awarded

1116.12.2016    12:41

A forum entitled ‘Self help groups are the bridge to peace and development’ was held as part of the concluding activities for WPU Erayim’s three-year ‘The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’ project, supported by the German international organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt). This project is being implemented in the Kara-Suu district of Osh province, the Bazar-Korgon district of Jalal-Abad province, and in the Chingiz Aitmatov district of Jalal-Abad city.

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‘Self-Help Groups are the Bridge to Peace and Development’ Forum

1 116.12.2016   12:33

On 14 December 2016 the ‘Self help groups are the bridge to peace and development’ forum was held in Osh as the closing event of WPU Erayim’s three-year project ‘The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’, supported by the German international organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt), which was launched in January 2014.

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 13.12.2016     12:52

A forum for self-help groups (SHGs) entitled ‘Self-Help Groups are the Bridge of Peace and Development’ will be held on 14 December 2016 in Osh oblast and on 16 December 2016 in Jalalabad oblast. These forums have been organized by WPU Erayim within the framework of their project ‘The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’, which is supported by the German international organization Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World).

The forums’ objectives are: peace building harmony; friendship and unity of people at the local level; and the strengthening of SHGs to resolve local communities’ problems. At the forums, SHG members will work in small groups on subjects such as Ethnic Culture and Tolerance, Small Scale Business and Unemployment, Education and Society, and Infrastructure and Environment. Lessons learnt from experience, including successes, will also be discussed. It is anticipated that the discussions throughout the forums will reveal future problems and aid their resolution.

The forums will be attended by regional representatives of the State Agency for Local Government and Inter-Ethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, heads of villages, media representatives, school principals, and members of SHGs.

SHG Ethnofestival

ethnofestival19.11.2016   15:05

Children’s and adults’ self-help groups (SHGs) formed by WPU Erayim based in Kurmanjan Datka № 86 School in Mady village district, K. Matkerimov № 117 School in Kyzyl-Kyshtak village district, and Abu Ibn Sina № 16 School in Shark village district, in Kara-Suu region in Osh province, have organized a mass cultural event called ‘Ethnofestival in my district’.

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The Procession against Extremism

jurush419.11.2016  15:03

A ‘safe ordo’ procession entitled ‘We are against extremism and terrorism’ was held by the residents of Shark, a village in the Kara-Suu region of Osh province, within the framework of WPU Erayim’s ‘The introduction of combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’ project.

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Communism’s First Maternal School

004.10.2016  10:48

The Altyn Batalyk Nuru maternal school has opened in Communism, in the rural district Kyzyl-Kyshtak of the Kara-Suu region, in the Osh province. There had been no kindergartens in the village prior to this.

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Children’s Self-Help Groups Visit Old People

04.10.2016   10:45

Disadvantaged families, including disabled people and the elderly, from the rural districts of Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Shark, and Mady, in the Kara-Suu region of the Osh province have been visited by members of the children’s self-help groups, which are organized by WPU Erayim: Zhakshylyk, Yntymak, Dostuk, Zhyldyz, Kelechekzhashtary, Daanaker, Kyrgyzstan, Barsbek, and Balazhan.

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Kyrgyz Language Day Celebrations

427.09.2016   13:57

In connection with the WPU Erayim project "The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan" some children’s self-help groups have begun mass cultural events. The children of the self-help group organized in Zhoomart Bokonbaeva secondary school, in the Bazar-Korgon district, conducted an evening event, called Sarmerden, dedicated to the Kyrgyz language.

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Talented and capable girl

119.09.2016  13:14

Kunduz since young age has dreamed of becoming a cultural worker. Then she wanted to become an anchorperson, appear on TV screens with a smile and present news. She took an active part in all cultural events. She danced, sang, and became the winner of many competitions.

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The initiative of Mrs. Suusar

219.09.2016   13:10

There is a small village called Nariman in Karatay rural district of Kara-Suu region, Osh province. Representatives of different nationalities live there as one family. The local population is mainly engaged in agriculture.

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