Andrew27.07.2016    19:38

Once again volunteers from the United Kingdom have arrived at WPU "Erayim" under the program "Summer school of English language for teachers and children". It should be reminded that the project was initiated by the volunteer of WPU "Erayim" Ms. Claire Reeves and has been implemented since 2013. The project is funded by the Charitable Foundation CAF (Charities Aid Foundation). It should be noted that the work with foreign volunteers at WPU "Erayim" has been going on for over 10 years.

10 volunteers have arrived in this year from the United Kingdom and have begun conducting English language courses for school age children of Naryn and Chui provinces and in Ak-Orgo and Ak-Ordo settlements of Bishkek city.

10-day training from the 18th to 29th of July for teachers of English will be conducted in Chaek village of Zhumgal region. Volunteers (Caroline James, Andrew Burton and Claire Reeves and a local trainer Gulzada Akmatalieva) are allocated for conducting the English courses.

Summer schools of English language for the children of Self-Help Groups’ members will be held from 18th of July to 12th of August in the following areas:
1) Bishkek city, Ak-Ordo settlement, School №84 (volunteers: Elena Sigacheva and Stewart Dallas);
2) Chuy province, Alchaluu village, Boronchieva School (volunteers:Josh Furnival and Oliver McKenzie);
3) Naryn province, Zhumgal region, Chayek village, M. Alibaev School (volunteers: Lauren O’Hanlon, Rosemary Ellis and Robert Gill).

The beneficiaries will receive handout materials on methods for teaching an English language, grammar books, books of English songs, CDs and the Kyrgyz-English dictionaries under this project. The amount of each set is 4500 soms.













Altynai Sabyrbekova,
Program Coordinator
«Summer school of English language»