ачы19.07.2016   14:14

25 children activists of "Kyrgyzstan", "Jyldyz" "Dostuk", "Rainbow", "Shamdagay"children's self-helping groups, organized by WPU “Erayim” in Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak villages of Kara-Suu district of Osh province, visited Achy jailoo in Nariman rural district. They called this event as "Members of CSHGs are on summer vacation 2016".

During the two days spent on jailoo children befriended tighter, exchanged experiences and conducted interesting talks. They organized an interesting trip to beautiful places in jailoo and organized various events to remember every moment of their trip. They organized a contest called "Sarmerden" where they sang songs, danced, and played national games such as “Shakek Salmay”, “Top Tash”,”Jooluk tashtamai”,”Arkan tartmay” and “Altyn top”.

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Erlan Davlatov
expert on public relations and mass media
of WPU "Erayim" in Osh province