superkelinchek413.05.2016    17:55

Contest-festival was held under the motto “Peace at home - peace in the world” for villagers of Shark, Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak of Kara-Suu district of Osh province, in Abu Ali Ibn Sin high school №16 in Shark village.

The members of SHG and CSHG have participated in this contest as well. 8 talented daughter-in-laws aged from 18 to 35 years old have competed in the contest to be a “Super daughter-in-law”. The given contest is initiated to raise the significance of the role of women in society, friendship and mutual understanding of all of residents of the earth. Contest-festival was organized by the activists of WPU "Erayim" in Osh province.

Organizers have noted that the goal of this event was to organize cultural activities of rural women, to enhance their aesthetic tastes, to improve intellectual and spiritual level and to show images of spiritual purity, wisdom for young girls - future daughter-in-laws.

Such events are very rare in villages. The contest-festival was dedicated to the year of “History and Culture" which is being celebrated in our country this year. To assess the creativity of the participants a jury was selected composed of Umida Hakimova – the director of Culture House of Shark village, Akbermet Tumonbaeva - member of “Jakshylyk” SHG of Mady village, Jyldyz Kaparova – the head of “Aruuzat” kindergarten of Kyzyl-Kyshtak village.

Contestants have competed on five tasks: “Greetings”, “Vasilisa the clever”, “Handywoman”, “Stylish daughter-in-law”. The audience supported every contestant. At the end, according to the results of the contest the title of “Super daughter-in-law” was awarded to Abdullayeva Shakhnoza – a member of “Rainbow” SHG, the title of “Vasilisa-the clever” was awarded to two participants of the contest at once; Ergeshova Umida, a member of “Ezoz” SHG and Nazirova Arofat – a member of “Ak niet” SHG. Bolotbekov Gulbara a member of “Jakshylyk” SHG received the title “Stylish daughter-in-law”. In addition to them, the contestants Kamallidin kyzy Gulburak member of “Yntymak” SHG, Saydahmatova Makhabat a member of “Kojo” SHG, Ibragimova Aykol a member of “Biyhan” SHG, Hamzaeva Nargiza a member of “Umut” SHG received certificates of honor and encouraging prizes from WPU “Erayim”..






Erlan Davlatov,
PR specialist of WPU
"Erayim" in Osh province