




"For the better life!"


The Results of the Competition ‘The Best SHG and CSHG’

124.12.2017  16:17

On December 16, 2017 in the secondary school № 86 named after Kurmanjan Datka, in the village of Mady, the competition ‘The Best SHG and CSHG’ was organized on the initiative of SHG members, as well as members of the English language, Russian language, Leaders, Forum Theater and Ethno-Ensemble clubs among self-help groups and children's self-help groups in the villages of Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak and Shark of the Kara-Suu district in Osh province. Residents of villages, teachers, parents and members of SHGs and CSHGs attended the event.

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The Results of the Event Dedicated to the Birthday of Ch. Aitmatov

524.12.2017  15:41

In secondary schools №116 named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, № 86 named after Kurmanzhan Datka and №117 of K. Matkarimov of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak villages in Kara-Suu district of Osh province, a number of events were dedicated to the birthday of the great writer Chyngyz Aitmatov under the title ‘Aitmatov is a Man of the Universe’.

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Citizens Who Received Free Legal Advices Are Grateful

124.12.2017   15:10

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project, financed by the international German organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) the people of the project area received a number of free legal advices from the project legal adviser of Osh province Dilshod Kadirjojayev.

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Improving the Quality of Work and the Condition of the Maternal Schools

123.12.2017   17:37

A general meeting of the heads of maternal schools located in the villages of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak of the Kara-Suu district in Osh province was held in December 2017.

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The SHG Association is Formed in At-Bashy Village

123.12.2017  17:13

On 14 December 2017, a general meeting of self-help groups was held in the At-Bashy village of Naryn province within framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘Establishing Associations of SHGs in Regions’ project, supported by the British charitable organization CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).

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The ‘Room of Water Treatment’ is Opened in Osh City


12.12.2017  17:53

On 3 December 2017, the ‘Water Treatment Room’ was opened on the ‘International Day of Disabled Persons’ in the ‘Ayar Bala’ Rehabilitation Center in Osh.

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A Participant of the Russian Language Club Became the Winner at the School Competition

112.12.2017   17:43

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project, financed by the international German organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) in secondary schools № 16 named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, № 117 named after K. Matkarimov and № 86 named after Kurmanzhan Datka, five clubs have been established and are working in the villages of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak of the Kara-Suu districts in Osh province. Children are engaged in needlework and participate for free in them.

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The Association of SHG is Formed in Chaek and Kok Oy Villages

112.12.2017  17:25

On December 1, 2017, a general meeting of self-help groups was held in the villages of Chaek and Kok Oy Naryn province, as part of the WPU Erayim’s project ‘Establishing Associations of SHGs in Regions’ supported by the British charity organization CAF (Charities Aid Foundation). The goal was to create SHG Associations from sustainable self-help groups in the villages of Chaek and Kok-Oy..

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The Best Self-Help Group of the Year is Chosen

106.12.2017  17:05

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project, financed by the international German organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) in the village district of Shark of Kara Suu district in Osh province the WPU Erayim chosen the ‘Gulbakhar’ SHG as ‘The Best SHG’ of 2017 among 17 self-help groups.

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SHG Association is Formed Bakay-Ata Village

106.12.2017   15:49

On 22 November 2017, a general meeting of self-help groups was held in the Bakay-Ata village of Bakay-Ata district in Talas province within framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘Establishing Associations of SHGs in Regions’ project, supported by the British charitable organization CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).

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