124.12.2017  16:17

On December 16, 2017 in the secondary school № 86 named after Kurmanjan Datka, in the village of Mady, the competition ‘The Best SHG and CSHG’ was organized on the initiative of SHG members, as well as members of the English language, Russian language, Leaders, Forum Theater and Ethno-Ensemble clubs among self-help groups and children's self-help groups in the villages of Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak and Shark of the Kara-Suu district in Osh province. Residents of villages, teachers, parents and members of SHGs and CSHGs attended the event.

At this competition the members of SHG, CSHG and participants of 5 clubs showed their achievements and knowledge gained during this year to the guests of the event. A two-hour concert program was prepared by 56 activists of SHG, CSHG and club members. The concert program was made up of dance performances, dramatizations and excerpts from the ‘Manas’ epic, reflecting interethnic harmony, friendship and solidarity. In addition, 9 SHG members who came from three regions told and showed their activities done in one year in four directions with the help of the slideshow. The most interesting thing was that on questions concerning SHGs and CSHG the members of SHG and CSHG gave the right answers and received gifts. The difficult task of being the moderator of the event was taken up by the members of the Leadership club.

Gratitude letters letters on behalf of the Women’s Public Union Erayim was given to the active members of the contest, active members of the clubs and initiative members of the SHG. The guests of the event also expressed their opinions and wishes. The project coordinator of Osh province Ikram Israilov noted that such an event will be held every year.









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Erlan Davlatov PR specialist of the project in Osh province