




"For the better life!"


Ways to Manage Emotions

024.05.2018  11:11

A training entitled ‘Ways of Manage Emotions’ was organized for the children's self-help groups of Alym Usman secondary school No. 7, in Jalal-Abad city.

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The Long-Awaited Pedestrian Crossings Are Installed

119.05.2018  14:27

The long-awaited pedestrian crossings are installed on the busy parts of Privokzalnyi-Sadikov and Anoshin streets, in the border areas of Shark village of Kara-Suu district and Osh city.

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Contribution of SHGs to the 90th Anniversary of Chyngyz Aitmatov


07.05.2018  08:57

The ‘Bereke’ and ‘Zhashtar’ SHG members who are teachers of the Zhoomart Bokonbaev secondary school of Bazar-Korgon district, as well as the Olmaskan Atabekov secondary school of the same district participated in a pleasant event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the great kyrgyz writer Chyngyz Aitmatov. At the competition-festival dedicated to the pride of the Kyrgyz people world-famous writer Ch. Aitmatov, who was also the hero of socialist labor, they were able to show their talents.

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Sponsorship Support from SHG Entrepreneurs to Maternal Schools

107.05.2018  08:33

Since 2014, in Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak village districts of Kara-Suu district 20 maternal schools and 4 other maternal schools, in the regions not included in the project area have opened by WPU Erayim. In all 24 maternal schools more than 650 children are being educated and 93 rural residents are provided with jobs.

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The Problem of the Slave Trade on the Scene of Forum Theatre

007.05.2018  08:19

Participants of the 'Forum theatre' club organized in the Alym Usman secondary school No. 7 in Jalal-Abad city set a new scene directed towards the problems of the slave trade entitled ‘Destroyed Fate’ to students of senior grades and teachers of this school. The 'Forum theatre' club was organized within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project in three secondary schools of Jalal-Abad province. In each school the 'Forum theatre' club is attended by 11 students.

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Exchange of Experience between the Maternal Schools of Two Provinces

107.05.2018  08:13

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project, supported by the German international Bread for the World organization 20 maternal schools have been opened and are working in Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak and Shark village districts of Kara-Suu district in Osh province for the children whose parents are on earnings abroad leaving their children to their parents, that is, grandparents, and for children from low-income and vulnerable families, large families as well as for children who do not go to kindergarten because of their absence or lack, where more than 600 children are involved. This information was provided by the project coordinator for the maternal schools in Osh province Gulkayir Zholdubaeva.

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Mobile Meetings of WPU Eraiym

126.04.2018   20:01

With the participation of Rahila Zhusupova, the Chairwoman of WPU Eraiym and the coordinator of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project Gulnara Nurmatova, SHGs’ expert of the project Abdylas Koshumbaev, employee of WPU Eraiym Mamatkazy Kaparov a mobile meeting was held for project staff of Jalal-Abad and Osh provinces.

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Useful Training for CSHGs

126.04.2018  18:07

A training entitled ‘Science, Education and Discipline’ was organized for children's self-help groups of T. Satylganov and J. Bokonbaev secondary schools in Bazar-Korgon district.

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Kyrgyzstan is My Homeland

126.04.2018  17:03

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ project, financed by the international German organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt) the head of the Russian language club Davletova Aksana together with the participants of the club from the T. Satylganov secondary school of Bazar-Korgon district organized the party entitled ‘Kyrgyzstan is My Homeland, I love it from my heart’.

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SHGs children said goodbye to ABC Book

126.04.2018  14:34

A pleasant farewell party entitled ‘Farewell to ABC Book’ was held for students of 1A grade of Toktogul Satylganov secondary school in Bazar-Korgon district.

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