




"For the better life!"


Gentlemen at the competition of friendship!

gentoffriendship12.04.2017  15:37

In the Kurmanzhan Datka № 86, K. Matkerimov № 116, and Abu Ali Ibn Sin № 16 secondary schools in Mady, Shark and Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of the Kara-Suu region in Osh province, a contest for boys called ‘Gentlemen at the competition of friendship 2017’ was organized among the children's self-help groups.

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Friendship Yr-Kese (Music Festival)

songfest12.04.2017   15:31

The residents of Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Shark and Mady rural districts in the Kara-Suu Region organized a music festival ‘Yr Kese’, which they named Friendship. The festival was arranged by the members of the self-help groups in these districts and coincided with Nooruz festival, which marks the arrival of spring.

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Self-Help Group Members Celebrate Nooruz


28.03.2017    18:22

Members of the Baychechekey and Oomat self-help groups (SHGs) in the village of Akman (Bazar-Korgon region) prepared sumalak, a traditional Kyrgyz dish, for the spring holiday of Nooruz. During the preparation of sumalak people always pray for peace, harmony and prosperity of the nation.

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A Wise Mother-in-Law and an Exemplary Daughter-in-Law

wise mil212.04.2017    15:16

Within the framework of WPU Erayim’s project ‘The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’, a contest called ‘A wise mother-in-law and an exemplary daughter-in-law’ was held among self-help groups (SHG) in Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of Kara-Suu Region in Osh Province.

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Psychological counseling is necessary for adults and children

Psychological counseling is necessary for adults and children22.03.2017  20:47

There are today many people, both adults and children, who need psychological assistance. The reason for this is life’s difficulties, problems in society – some people are very rich, some are very poor –, and consequently poor people leave their homes in search of jobs.

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