




"For the better life!"


Poets and Writers Glorified Friendship

310.03.2020   15:07

The World Writers Day is celebrated annually on March 3 since 1986. On this day an event entitled ‘Poets and Writers Glorified Friendship’ was organized in Ishkavan village of Kara-Suu district. The event was organized by the Association SHGs Kerme-Too. The event was attended by famous poets and writers, members of SHGs and CSHGs.

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Social Justice Day Event

004.03.2020  17:15

Every year, a month of social justice takes place, which runs from February 20 to March 20. The UN General Assembly proclaimed February 20 as World Social Justice Day. This day is celebrated all over the world, including in Kyrgyzstan.

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The training program “Mediation. Basic Course” was held in Kara-Suu district

104.03.2020  16:39

A 6-day training program “Mediation. Basic Course” on training local mediators was held in Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast from February 24 to 29, 2020.

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Presentation of a new project was held in Kara-Suu district

presentation of the project25.02.2020   14:50

On 19 February 2020, the presentation of the project Women Empowerment in the Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan was held in Kara-Suu district of Osh Oblast. The project is supported by the Australian Government within the framework of the Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy in Moscow and implemented by Women's Public Union Erayim.

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Presentation of a new project in Bazar-Korgon district

R.Zhusupova chairwoman of WPU Erayim25.02.2020  13:37

The project ‘Women Empowerment in Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan’ has started its work in Bazar-Korgon. The project is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by Women's Public Union Erayim under the Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy in Moscow. The project will be implemented in Akman, Bazar-Korgon rural districts of Bazar-Korgon district in Jalal-Abad Oblast and Shark, Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of Kara-Suu district in Osh Oblast. The project aims to empower women in rural areas.

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The project 'Women Empowerment in Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan' has started its work

15.02.2020  20.34

Women's Public Union Erayim is pleased to announce the launch of the project Women Empowerment in Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan implementing within the framework of the Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy in Moscow. The project is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by Women’s Public Union Erayim.

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World Radio Day

114.02.2020   16:30

Radio is considered a powerful communication tool that disseminates information about the problems, achievements, activities of mankind. At the global level, radio remains a means of widespread dissemination of information. February 13, 1946, was broadcast for the first time "UN Radio".

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Exchange of experiences between educators of maternal schools

104.02.2020  16:51

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s project “Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan”, an event was organized to exchange experiences between educators of maternal schools working in Akman and Bazar-Korgon rural districts of Bazar-Korgon district.

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A three-day training course for maternal school managers held successfully

104.02.2020  16:40

Dilnara Maigulakova, an expert on Maternal Schools within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s project ‘Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’, conducted three-day training course from January 23 to January 25, 2020, for the managers of maternal schools working on the project areas in Jalal-Abad oblast.

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Three-day training course for maternal schools staff

028.01.2020  11:18

Between 19 and 25 January 2020 of the current year a training course was organized for heads and educators of maternal schools operating in Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of Kara-Suu district in Osh oblast within the framework of the 3rd phase of WPU Erayim’s project ‘Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’, supported by the German international organization Bread for the World.

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