




"For the better life!"


WPU Erayim coordinator on Osh oblast was awarded the medal ‘Excellence in Agriculture’

606.09.2020  17:13

Dushenalieva Narynkul Abdykadyrova was born on January 7, 1957, in the city of Naryn. In 1975, she married and went to Uchkun village of Mady municipality Kara-Suu district Osh oblast, and now she is a happy mother and grandmother of four sons and grandchildren. By profession, a specialist in industrial goods. Since 1996, she has passed training courses of many international organizations, has many certificates and successes.

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Plant growing is a profitable industry

006.09.2020  16:55

SHG Associations created within the framework of the WPU Erayim’s project implemented with the support of the international organization ‘Bread for the World’ ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ are maintaining their financial stability by being engaged in small and medium-sized businesses that generate profit.

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Fight against coronavirus COVID-19

006.09.2020   15:25

The coronavirus infection has spread all over the world, the society is worried and the feeling of fear is increasing, along with this, it has a significant negative impact on the economy of each country. In order to prevent and familiarize the rules of protection against this infection for SHG Associations ‘Kurmanzhan Datka’, ‘Kerme-Too’, ‘Shark’, SHG and ChSHG of Shark, Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak municipalities of Kara-Suu district, an online training was organized on the topic ‘Coronavirus COVID-19 and ways to fight it’.

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Provision of legal and psychological assistance has begun in the project areas

122.06.2020  16:23

If before, in Shark, Mady, Kyzyl-Kyshtak municipalities Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast legal and psychological assistance were provided on-line, then starting from June 8, the work continues in three areas to provide legal and psychological assistance in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules.

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Information Campaign ‘Stop COVID-19’

122.06.2020  15:56

Within the framework of the WPU Erayim project ‘Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ supported by German international organization Bread for the World, 30 children self-help groups with 226 members were created in the rural districts of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Kara-Suu district.

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SHG Navbahor started a business in times of emergency

106.06.2020   13:15

In Shark municipality of Kara-Suu district, members of the Family SHG Navbahor headed by Atabek Turgunov participated in the training courses ‘Creating a Small Business’ and ‘Family Budget’ organized within the framework of the WPU Erayim project ‘Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ supported by German international organization Bread for World, they decided to start their family small business.

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Maternal schools have organized distance learning for children


03.06.2020   12:44

Within the framework of the project implemented by Women's Public Union Erayim, the maternal schools of Mady, Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak municipalities in Kara-Suu district, have organized distance learning for children and been keeping in touch with parents in the online mode because of the emergency due to the pandemic COVID-19.

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Let's become an example for others with our charity work

102.06.2020   18:02

Members of the Association of SHG, established by Women's Public Union Erayim in Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast, provided targeted aid in the amount of 24,000 soms to 40 families of Shark, Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts who found themselves in difficult situations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Charity Aid from ICEP Austria

416.05.2020  12:25

The current situation with COVID-19 in the country has turned everything upside down. A huge number of people in Kyrgyzstan are experiencing financial, psychological and economic difficulties. On these difficult days, partner of WPU Erayim from Austria, an international non-profit organisation ICEP (Institut zur Cooperation bei Entwicklungs-Projekten) pursuit of alleviating global poverty extended the hand of assistance.

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Achievements of the English language club

011.05.2020   21:45

Achievements of the English language club In connection with the latest events in the country, school classes were suspended. Despite this, the project staff of WPU Erayim in the Jalal-Abad oblast did not stop their work. The classes of the clubs were conducted remotely and on an approved schedule.

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