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Essential trainings for Maternal Schools

203.06.2021  10:53

Throughout Kyrgyzstan, maternal schools are widely formed under the project ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’, implemented by WPU Erayim with the support of the German international organization Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt), since these schools not only raise children but also work closely with mothers.

There are currently 25 maternal schools in the Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast, six of which are funded by the state.

It should be noted that WPU Erayim held a two-day seminar from May 31 to June 1 on the topics ‘Modern technologies in preschool education and ‘Children's safety program in emergency situations’.

At this training, the participants were able to improve their knowledge. Ikram Israilov, the project coordinator, added that 36 maternal school teachers were electronically registered to participate in 72-hour distance learning organized by the Ministry of Education from 14 to 28 June.

During the training, achievements (for example, the opening of regional resource centres to support maternal schools) and shortcomings (ways of obtaining a license for legal paperwork) of maternal schools in the country, as well as the future of maternal schools were discussed.

Dilnara Maigulakova, director of the kindergarten No. 186 in Bishkek and head of the Resource Center for Maternal Schools, said that a briefing would be held in August this year in Bishkek with the participation of directors of maternal schools, WPU Erayim, representatives of the Ministry of Education and other educational institutions.

One of the most problematic issues in our country is caring for preschoolers and preparing them for school, along with a complete education. Erayim has been working in the southern regions since 2014 to solve a long-standing problem caused by a shortage of kindergartens. On the initiative of the organization, more than 40 maternal schools were opened, says Lilia Usenko, head of the department of preschool and primary education, associate professor, founder and author of the ‘Maternal School’ program at the Republican Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Association of SHGs ‘Kerme-Too’ expressed deep gratitude to the administration of the Kyzyl-Kyshtak municipality for active support in organizing the seminar. Some earlier members of the Association sent a letter to the administration of the municipality and attracted 7,000 soms, and the Association of SHGs ‘Shark’ allocated 7,000 soms from the Association Common fund, and organized meals for the participants of the seminar for 14,000 soms.

At the end of the event, the children of the Ethnoensemble club, accompanied by the members of SHGs, presented a concert program to the guests and participants. On the occasion of Children's Day, June 1, the Association of SHGs ‘Kurmanzhan Datka’ allocated 2 thousand soms from the Common Fund, and presented gifts to children for the holiday.







Erlan Davlatov, Osh province

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