209.02.2019   16:08

On January 28, 2019, an event entitled “School, Parents, and Society” took place in secondary school No. 16 named after Abu Ali ibn Sino of the rural district of Shark, Kara-Suu district, Osh province.

The event was attended by about 100 people. There were teachers, parents, members of the SHGs, employees of the internal affairs authorities, representatives of the village council and the WPU Erayim’s project staff members psychologist, co-trainer Dilfuza Anarbaeva and coordinator for children's SHGs Kiyal Mamazhanova. Prevention of negative phenomena in society, domestic violence, and violence in schools, and the quality of education for children, these issues were on the agenda of this event. To prevent these problems parents and school should closely cooperate, - such opinions came out from the discussions and other proposals were added to prevent the above problems.

At the end of the meeting, the director of the school Rano Yulchieva expressed her gratitude to the circles working at the school as part of the project of the WPU Erayim, members of SHG and CSHG for their contribution to the development and education of schoolchildren.



Erlan Davlatov, Osh oblast