108.11.2018  18:42

From October 26 to 28 of this year in order to implement the WPU Erayim's ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan' project component ‘To build capacities of SHGs members’, 15-hour training course was organized on the theme 'Greenhouse' for the members of SHGs, organized in Mady, Shark and Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of Kara-Suu district.

The training was provided by an agronomist and an adviser of the project on agriculture (garden, greenhouse, and organics) trainer Toichubai Mamatov. During the three days, the participants got from an experienced trainer knowledge how to make the budget of greenhouse building and how to grow vegetables in home conditions. The goal of the training was to teach SHG Associations and its member groups to get profit from a greenhouse at their villages and homes.





Erlan Davlatov, Osh province