312.06.2017    15:25

The members of the SHG’s of Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak village districts organized by WPU Erayim have participated an eleven day training course called ‘Milk Processing and Large Cattle Veterinary Medicine’ organized by the public organization ‘Danida’ and received certificates. In this training, the participants received new theoretical and practical knowledge on the technologies for preparing dairy products, such as: cheese, feta cheese, yoghurt, kurut, condensed milk, sour cream, ayran, kefir and fermented baked milk. Currently, the members of self-help groups ‘Tatyana’, ‘Oomat’, ‘Zhakshylyk’ and ‘Yrysky’ have set a goal to create joint small businesses. Members of self-help groups have teamed up to produce dairy products and sell them in markets to gain profit and to resolve their needs..





Erlan Davlatov, Osh Province