120.04.2017   15:38

Women’s Public Union Erayim’s project ‘The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan’, funded by Bread for the World, has opened 40 maternal schools.

During the assessment of these schools, it was proposed to improve the quality of their work; this lead to Erayim including manger training and staff experience exchanges in the wider project. However, it is first necessary to raise the level of education among employees of these schools.

Currently, many employees from these schools are studying at the Kyrgyz Academy of Education. The heads of maternal schools located in Kommunizm, Shark, and Nariman have all been enrolled on such courses since 10 April and are due to complete their studies on 21 April. Along with other school employees, they have also visited several maternal schools in Bishkek to become acquainted with their methods of work and exchange knowledge. These visits were organized by Dilnara Maigulakova, the project expert. They also visited Erayim’s offices, where they updated the office about their work and discussed the issues they face.  



