114.12.2021   10:07

Books are the best source of knowledge. Books are not only the most powerful source of knowledge, but they also open people's minds to new, innovative ideas and give flight to their imagination. It is not for nothing that they say that ‘Knowledge is power.’

Knowledge makes the person more powerful by giving him mental and moral advancement in life. Knowledge is a very important tool to get positive changes in society and country. In recent years, schoolchildren have become very attached to computers, telephones. All information is obtained from Internet sources, even lessons and homework are done on the Internet. As a result, children completely weaned from reading books. How can more people be encouraged to read books? Concerned about this fact, activists of ChSHG ‘Zhash Kuch’ and ‘Demilge’ of secondary school №99 named after Nurlan Sadiev of Toloyken municipality, within the framework of WPU Erayim project, began to conduct motivational work for their friends and schoolchildren about the importance of reading books. In November of this year, they held an event at the school library on the theme "Friends, let's read books." Children from Mady, Shark and Kyzyl-Kyshtak municipalities came to the event. The aim of the event was to increase the interest of schoolchildren in reading books, - noted Kyial Mamazhanova, project coordinator for ChSHGs. According to her, the children at the event expressively and figuratively read excerpts from books. The participants listened attentively to beautiful and expressive readings of children and noted that they were intended to organize such reading books events in their schools too.



Erlan Davlatov, Osh oblast