07.08.2014  15:42

The events took place on the 31st of July in the culture centre of Sari-Oi and were organised by the participants of the Self Help Groups.  46 guests were in attendance from 19 different countries from across the world.  Women in national costume met the guests with the slogan ‘we are very happy to welcome you”.

The main reason for these cultural events was the arrival of the volunteer, Ursula, from the United Kingdom, who has come at the invitation of the Women’s Public Union of Erayim. The information was provided by the organisation for the participants of the events.

Together with the participants of the Self Help Groups, demonstrations were organised to show the national dresses of Kyrgyzstan and taste different national dishes. The traditional ceremonies of the reception of the bride and the traditional methods of placing a baby into the cradle (beshik) were also shown. Throughout all of the performances, the guests actively took photos of the participants.

The concert’s programme also included the performance of Kyrgyz folk songs and traditional dances. As tradition expects, at the end of the performance the traditional dance, the ‘Kara-Zhorgo’, was performed.

Guests from Italy, Spain, Kazakhstan, Denmark, Germany and other countries said words of thanks to the organisers from the Self Help Groups. The cultural event was concluded with a joint commenorative photo.

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A. Koshumbaev