122.07.2019   12:04

The Self-Help Groups coordinator of the project ‘Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent a Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ for Jalal-Abad oblast Kishimzhan Boronbaeva participated in the republican forum of women entrepreneurs.

She is proud to have participated in the forum on behalf of WPU Erayim, as the organization has been known since 1996, and it has been doing tremendous work to strengthen peace, friendship and the consent of the people, and to increase the activity of the villagers. In addition, by organizing self-help groups, motivating them, teaching them at training courses, have been making a great contribution to the development of small business in the villages. So, she took part in the forum as a female entrepreneur, met with businesswomen from different parts of the republic, exchanged her experience. At the same time, she was honored to be interviewed by the organizer of the forum by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mukhammedkaliy Abylgaziyev.

- “This forum was very interesting and useful. Like all other women-entrepreneurs, I was able to get answers to my questions. Mostly I asked questions on the development of maternal schools in Kyrgyzstan. Because, Mukhammedkaliy Abylgaziyev, the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted that it was important to develop preschool education in rural areas in his report. Since our organization is actively working in this area, I first told the participants about our organization, our projects, about our work done, and at the end asked the question whether the government will support private maternal schools? He noted that they would try to include such schools in the budget, to finance 50 percent of the expenses of the maternal schools. But he added that funding of such schools would be started first in the city of Bishkek, then in Osh oblast, later in Jalal-Abad oblast. In addition, the question was raised about the support of rural women entrepreneurs,” says Kishimzhan Boronbaeva.





Baktykan Azhymamatova, Jalal-Abad Oblast