




"For the better life!"


Taking Our Lives into Our Hands project in Kara-Suu

main20.04.2023  10:38

The project "Taking Our Lives into Our Hands" started its work in Uchkun village of Kara-Suu district. Traditionally, for the successful implementation of the new project, WPU Erayim signed a memorandum with the local government.

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Accident Prevention is also Public Cause

315.06.2022  12:17

The road connecting Kaiyrma and Kosh-Korgon villages within the Akman municipality of the Bazar-Korgon district crosses the Osh-Bishkek highway. Highway traffic is very dangerous on this section of the road because there are no road signs, which creates an opportunity for hotshots to increase speed on the flat, newly reconstructed asphalt road.

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Public Forums - Defining Local Problems

 13.06.2022  14:265

Within the framework of the project ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Modern and Traditional Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan,’ implemented by Women's Public Union ‘Erayim,’ self-help groups in Bazar-Korgon city and the Akman municipalities of the Bazar-Korgon district and their associations organize public meetings from time to time.

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Training for SHGs and Stakeholders

306.06.2022   10:55

In the Kosh-Korgon and Kaiyrma villages of the Akman municipality within the Bazar-Korgon district, agronomist-trainer Mamatov Toichubai organized a seminar for SHG members and stakeholders on the topics of planting, pruning, and grafting fruit trees. Practical training exercises were held.

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Another Proposal implemented in the Mady Municipality

111.05.2022  12:13

On May 5, 2022, the list of maternal schools in the Kara-Suu district were replenished with another new maternal school called ‘Tannuru’ as part of the project ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Modern and Traditional Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan,’ implemented by the Women's Public Union (WPU) Erayim.

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We are against racketeering!

130.04.2022   11:27

Members of SHG Association ‘Ak Tilek’ Feruza Rustamova, Nurzada Turdukulova and Nuria Shabdanova visited schools in Bazar-Korgon, met with high school students, gave lectures in order to prevent the spread of racketeering among schoolchildren who have recently appeared in social networks, such as beating, extorting money, insulting teachers.

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Project for environmental protection

121.04.2022   13:23

Suranbekova Sherbet, a member of the self-help group ‘Jashtar’ of Ak-Tilek SHG Association, which was formed as part of the project implemented by Women's Public Union Eraiym in Bazar-Korgon city of Bazar-Korgon district, wrote a project and won a grant in the amount of 227,880 soms.

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‘A table full of food’ event

121.04.2022    11:07

Baktykan Tashbaeva, a member of Ak-Tilek SHG Association which was formed under the project of WPU Eraiym in Bazar-Korgon city of Bazar-Korgon district, organized a culinary event entitled ‘A table full of food’ together with members of ChSHGs.

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A small livestock business of SHG ‘Eldos’

121.04.2022    10:13

‘Eldos’ SHG opened a small livestock business. The group was organized in Mady municipality Kara-Suu district within the framework of the project ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Modern and Traditional Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ implemented by WPU ‘Erayim’ under the support of the German international organization ‘Brot für die Welt’.

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Three-day training for SHG Association ‘Ak Tilek’

119.04.2022    16:54

For SHG Association ‘Ak-Tilek’ Bazar-Korgon municipality a three-day training was held on ‘How to start own business' and ‘How to develop an existing business’.

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