Семинардын катышуучулары05.03.2016   14:59

A two-day seminar-training "Fundamentals of conflict management" was held on 27-28.02.2016 in Kurmanzhan-Datka secondary school of Kara-Suu region with the participation of specialists, psychologists and club executives working on the project "The introduction of a combination of traditional and modern approaches to prevent conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan" which is being implemented by the Women Public Union “Erayim” with the support of the International German organization "Bread for the World".

Participants got profound notions on questions such as "What is the conflict?", "Violence", "Peace". Furthermore, tools of conflicts analysis, planning, intervention in conflict situations, manifestations of accuracy and sensitivity in conduction of monitoring had been considered. We would like to remind that there are several clubs operating in the framework of this project such as "book lovers" club, Russian and English language clubs, chess, dance, komuz and computer clubs in secondary schools of Mady and Kyzyl-Kyshtak villages of Kara-Suu region and high school of Jalal-Abad city named after Chyngyz Aymatov, in secondary schools of Akman and Bazar-Korgon villages of Bazar-Korgon region. Moreover, 60 children's and adult self-help groups and 40 "maternal schools" have been established and operated. According to the trainer, a representative of the Foundation for Tolerance International Kochkorbaev Asylbek, the given project also aims to prevent conflicts in strengthening peace and friendship among adults and children. Hence, first and foremost all the efforts of each employee, the participants of the project, are aimed at preserving peace and preventing conflicts.

Тренер общественного фонда «За международную толерантность» Кочкорбаев Асылбек проводит семинар

Участники семинара

Baktykan Azhymamatova