Кызыл Байрак Эң мыкты БӨЖТ16.03.2016 19:03

A competition for “The Best Children’s Self-Help Group” was held between CSHGs from the village districts of Mady, Shark, and Kyzyl-Kyshtak, in the Kara-Suu region of Osh province in December 2015.

The aim of the competition was to identify the best CSHG by awarding certificates, and also to encourage respect for the traditions of each of the ethnic groups living in these regions. This competition promotes the idea that education begins first of all within the family home. Members of each CSHG, as well as those interested in CSHG activity, participated. The competition was held among those participants of CSHG who were 11-16 years old. It lasted six hours and consisted of 3 stages. The first stage was called "Greeting", where each group talked about their activities and their village. The second stage was called "Geniuses", in which questions about WPU “Erayim” were asked, and also about ongoing projects that CSHGs were involved in. The third stage of the competition was called "Young Talents", where young CSHG members showed their talents in singing and dancing. As a result of this competition, the jury picked CSHG “Navbahor” as the best children’s self-help group from 4 participating CSHGs from Shark village district. CSHG “Jyldyzdar” was chosen from 6 participating CSHGs from the Kyzyl-Kyshtak village district and CSHG “Tumar” from 5 participating CSHGs from the Mady village district.

Erlan Davlatov, an expert on Public Relations and Mass Media from WPU “Erayim” in Osh province, was the organizer of this event.

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Кызыл Байрак БӨЖТ

January 25, 2016
Osh province, Kara-Suu region