Actions of Self-help groups
16.05.2015 10:53
Jolubaeva Jannat was born in 1975 in Ozgon district. She currently lives in the village of Kyzyl-Bayrak in the Kara-Su district of Osh region. In 2003 married a resident of the above mentioned village Borubaev Nurmamat and they have got one son and two daughters. Unfortunately in one of the happiest days of the family life, when they lived as all happily in the village in 2012, her husband died of a sudden illness. All the difficulties of children’s upbringing now lay on the shoulders of a single mother.
She did not finish secondary school, and at the same time did not have a passport, and therefore it was unable to obtain birth certificates for children. Members of the Self-help group of Kyzyl-Bayrak village – it’s one of the self-help groups organized by the women's NGO "Erayim" which have been leading their activities in different parts of the country - have taken to help that single mother. Because Jolubaveva Jannat turned to the organization lawyer Bekmuratov Ulan with the question how to get documents proving their identity and children. Without rejecting her request Ulan Bekmuratov explained all the possible ways of obtaining documents and gave advice. As a result, Jannat Zholubaeva gathered all the necessary papers, references and applied to the court of Kara-Su district. The court took a decision in favor of Jannat and she was able to get a national passport and a birth certificate for their children. In addition, the management of Kyzyl-Kyshtak village brought their family to the list of social status group and provided financial assistance in amount of 3000 soms. They said that they would continue to help this family. And self-help group members often visit the family. Jannat saw with her own eyes what a useful things are SHG doing for the villagers so she decided to join their line.
Baktykan Azhymamatova, Osh region