- Achieving sustainable development in at least 30% of SHG of the existing 450 SHG.
- Supporting the activities of SHCs in the environmental, economic and cultural direction and lobbying.
- Enhancing cooperation with the local authorities (Ayil Okmotu, Ayil Kenesh) of villages, where Erayim is operating;
- Consolidation of efforts of all stakeholders (local authorities, SHCGs, IG, NGOs, PAs, businessmen, etc.) for the solution of social and economic problems of the area.
- Development of new training modules and publications;
- Conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, round tables, exhibitions;
- Organization of clubs, summer schools, enabling the harmonious development of the beneficiaries;
- Dissemination of information (brochures, leaflets, newsletter, etc.) to protect the social, political rights, safe migration, women's rights, land management, etc.