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The number of Self-Help Groups are growing

114.11.2020   18:55

One of the objectives of the project ‘The Introduction of a Combination of Traditional and Modern Approaches to Prevent the Conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan’ implemented by the Women Public Union Erayim, supported by German international organization Bread for the World is to activate Self-Help Groups activities.

That’s why thirty Self-Help Groups were created in Bazar-Korgon and Akman municipalities Bazar-Korgon district which were joined three SHG Associations. According to the words of oblast coordinator of the organization, Kishimzhan Boronbaeva in the third phase of the project other municipalities of the district will join the project too. They are Beshik-Zhon, Kenesh and Seidikum municipalities. She said that two Self-Help Groups would be created in every municipality. Registration works and training courses have been started today. Due to the pandemic, the training courses are to be carried online.

The Self-Help Groups have been contributing to improving living standards, have been solving local problems by supporting initiatives of active villagers. Nowadays, twenty years ago created Self-Help Groups have their own places in society. Balastan and Bai Munduz are the earliest created Self-Help groups of inhabitants of Bai Munduz village Beshik-Zhon municipality. Each group consists of 12 people.




Baktykan Azhymamatova, Jalal-Abad oblast

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