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Charity Aid from ICEP Austria

416.05.2020  12:25

The current situation with COVID-19 in the country has turned everything upside down. A huge number of people in Kyrgyzstan are experiencing financial, psychological and economic difficulties. On these difficult days, partner of WPU Erayim from Austria, an international non-profit organisation ICEP (Institut zur Cooperation bei Entwicklungs-Projekten) pursuit of alleviating global poverty extended the hand of assistance.

In due time, ICEP made a significant contribution to the development of the NGO Erayim by supporting projects on institutional development and the development of self-help groups.

ICEP provided financial aid for the purchase of basic foodstuffs for needy socially vulnerable families among the beneficiaries of WPU Erayim. This time, targeted aid was provided to 121 needy families of Ak-Orgo, Ak-Ordo semi-urban settlements of Bishkek, Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast and Bazar-Korgon district of Jalal-Abad oblast.

The targeted aid consisted of 20 kg wheat flour of the first grade, 5 kg sugar, 5 kg rice, 5 kg pasta and 3 litres of vegetable oil, as well as three pieces of 8-layer gauze protective masks (only residents of Ak-Orgo and Ak-Ordo semi-urban settlements in Bishkek received masks). In Jalal-Abad oblast, basic foodstuffs were purchased at a wholesale market in the centre of Bazar-Korgon district. Therefore, product prices were lower than in Bishkek and Osh. Due to cost savings, each family in Bazar-Korgon district received by 5 litres vegetable oil. The table below gives an overview of the distribution of aid.

No. Name of basic foodstuffs Basic foodstuff composition Number of families Total distributed
1. Wheat flour of the 1st grade 20 kg 121 2420 kg
2.  Rice 5 kg  121 605 kg 
3.  Pasta 5 kg  121 605 kg
4.  Sugar 5 kg 121 605 kg
5.  Vegetable oil 3 litres  80 240 litres 
6.  Vegetable oil 5 litres  41 205 litres
7.  8-layer gauze protective masks 3 pieces  40 120 pieces

All families who received targeted aid and the staff of WPU Erayim express sincere gratitude to ICEP for their support and aid in these difficult days.











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